Riyas Pullur

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Riyas Pullur

Fresher in Web Development , Fresher in Android App Developer with Kotlin language.

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Succesive and Responsible Services includes with Experience and Creativity.

Web Development

Creative Web development With MERN ,MEAN etc full stack web development. Web Development is based on website and internet. attractive design and creative perfomance increase the business scope but one most importan that is security of the development and standard code writing. they are variety of creation many job and more income increase freedom. The perfect Developer is perfect creator.Web development is the work involved in developing a website for the Internet (World Wide Web) or an intranet (a private network).[1] Web development can range from developing a simple single static page of plain text to complex web applications, electronic businesses, and social network services. A more comprehensive list of tasks to which Web development commonly refers, may include Web engineering, Web design, Web content development, client liaison, client-side/server-side scripting, Web server and network security configuration, and e-commerce development. Among Web professionals, "Web development" usually refers to the main non-design aspects of building Web sites: writing markup and coding.[2] Web development may use content management systems (CMS) to make content changes easier and available with basic technical skills. For larger organizations and businesses, Web development teams can consist of hundreds of people (Web developers) and follow standard methods like Agile methodologies while developing Web sites.Web development is a creativity and ideological implementation and that creates big opportunity. There are many open source tools for Web development such as BerkeleyDB, GlassFish, LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) stack and Perl/Plack. This has kept the cost of learning Web development to a minimum. Another contributing factor to the growth of the industry has been the rise of easy-to-use WYSIWYG Web-development software, such as Adobe Dreamweaver, BlueGriffon and Microsoft Visual Studio. Knowledge of HyperText Markup Language (HTML) or of programming languages is still required to use such software, but the basics can be learned and implemented quickly. An ever-growing set of tools and technologies have helped developers build more dynamic and interactive Web sites. Further, Web developers now help to deliver applications as Web services which were traditionally only available as applications on a desk-based computer. This has allowed for many opportunities to decentralize information and media distribution. Examples can be seen with the rise of cloud services such as Adobe Creative Cloud, Dropbox and Google Drive. These Web services allow users to interact with applications from many locations, instead of being tied to a specific workstation for their application environment.

Responsive Design

Qualitative and responsive Designs and Reusability widen.Responsive Development is based on website and internet. attractive design and creative perfomance increase the business scope but one most importan that is security of the development and standard code writing. they are variety of creation many job and more income increase freedom. The perfect Developer is perfect creator.Responsive design is a graphic user interface (GUI) design approach used to create content that adjusts smoothly to various screen sizes. Designers size elements in relative units (%) and apply media queries, so their designs can automatically adapt to the browser space to ensure content consistency across devices.In the early 2010s, designers had to address a historic phenomenon. More users were starting to access web material on handheld devices than on desktops. There were two main solutions. Designers could craft several versions of one design and make each have fixed dimensions (an approach called adaptive design). Alternatively, they could work on a single, flexible design that would stretch or shrink to fit the screen (responsive design). Organizations and designers found the benefits of responsive design hard to ignore. Rather than work with absolute units (e.g., pixels) on separate versions, designers were free to focus on just one design and let it flow like a liquid to fill all “containers”. Responsive design isn’t flawless. Nevertheless, it has significant advantages and its appeal has grown steadily. So has the number of free frameworks tailored to it. Responsive design has become one of several organizations’ (e.g., Google’s) mandatory features.Fluid Grid System – Elements occupy the same percentage of space however large or small the screen becomes (i.e., users viewing designs on different devices). This means you choose where pixels should appear and define a layout size so the elements will scale up or down in a fixed way. It’s easier if you use a CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) grid system and generator for your design’s base (some are available for free). You need to calculate the target size divided by the context, as a percentage. This is your design feature’s maximum width divided by the maximum width of the users’ browser. Fluid Image Use – Unlike text, images aren’t naturally fluid. That means they default to the same size and configuration from one device’s screen to the next. An obvious risk is that your design will appear inconsistent across devices as images can fail to adjust, and therefore show up out of proportion to other elements. So, you need to apply a CSS command—: img {max-width: 100%;}—to ensure an image shrinks for smaller screens. To include many images, you use another CSS command. Media Queries – make your design appear appropriately.

Creative Design

Creative ideas Using innovative technology use and implements with standards. Creative Development is based on website and internet. attractive design and creative perfomance increase the business scope but one most importan that is security of the development and standard code writing. they are variety of creation many job and more income increase freedom. The perfect Developer is perfect creator.I write for a blog called Design Observer. Usually my co-editors and I write about design. Sometimes, we don’t. Sometimes, for instance, we write about politics. Whenever this happens, in come the comments: “What does this have to do with design? If you have a political agenda please keep it to other pages. I am not sure of your leaning but I come here for design.” I come here for design. It happens every time the subject strays beyond fonts and layout software. (“Obscure references. . . trying to impress each other. . . please, can we start talking some sense?”) In these cases, our visitors react like diners who just got served penne alla vodka in a Mexican restaurant: it’s not the kind of dish they came for, and they doubt the proprietors have the expertise required to serve it up. Guys, I know how you feel. I used to feel the same way. More than twenty years ago, I served on a committee that had been formed to explore the possibilities of setting up a New York chapter of the American Institute of Graphic Arts (aiga). Almost all of the other committee members were older, well-known—and, in some cases, legendary—designers. I was there to be a worker bee. I had only been in New York for a year or so. Back in design school in 1970s Cincinnati, I had been starved for design. It would be hard for a student today to imagine a world so isolated. No email, no blogs. Only one (fairly inaccessible) design conference that no one I knew had ever attended. Because there were no 11 12 michael bierut agia chapters, there were no agia student groups. Few of us could afford subscriptions to the only design magazines I knew about, CA, Print, and Graphis. Those few copies we got our hands on were passed around with the fervor of girlie magazines after lights-out at a Boy Scout jamboree. No How, no Step, and of course no Emigre or dot dot dot. We studied the theory of graphic design day in and day out, but the real practice of graphic design was something mysterious that happened somewhere else. It wasn’t even a subject for the history books: Phil Meggs wouldn’t publish his monumental History of Graphic Design until 1983. There was already so much to see and do, but I wanted more. I was ravenous. Establishing a New York chapter for the AIGA would mean more lectures, more events, more graphic design. For the committee’s first meeting, I had made a list of all designers I would love to see speak, and I volunteered to share it with the group.


supporting minimum two year from development time and , supply updates and reduce bugs.Support for Development is based on website and internet. attractive design and creative perfomance increase the business scope but one most importan that is security of the development and standard code writing. they are variety of creation many job and more income increase freedom. The perfect Developer is perfect creator. Software engineering is the study of and practice of engineering to build, design, develop, maintain, and retire software. There are different areas of software engineering and it serves many functions throughout the application lifecycle. Effective software engineering requires software engineers to be educated about good software engineering best practices,how your company develops softwarehow it will be maintained. Software engineering is a new era as CIOs and Digital Leaders now understand the importance of software engineering and the impact – both good and bad – it can have on your bottom line.Better support create better opportunity and imrovements of application how to support and support that create the important of software.

Mobile App

Apple mobile apps, Android OS based Mobile, Tab all devices works app development with java,kotlin languages used with creative UI.App Development is based on website and internet. attractive design and creative perfomance increase the business scope but one most importan that is security of the development and standard code writing. they are variety of creation many job and more income increase freedom. The perfect Developer is perfect creator.The importance of mobile phones in our everyday life and activities is undeniably unending. This is so because there is ongoing tremendous transformation in that mobile phones are no longer the ordinary communication device it used to be. It has become the colossal point of attention for individuals and businesses alike, courtesy of the various incredible features and opportunities that mobile phones offer. The cumulative progress of mobile technology, the availability and access to high speed internet and the remarkable communicative interface in these devices results into a whole level of new and innovative experience mobile computing. This is made possible through the development of mobile applications (mobile apps).

Project Leading

Monitoring and controlling Projects. implement project with succesfully. Project Development is based on website and internet. attractive design and creative perfomance increase the business scope but one most importan that is security of the development and standard code writing. they are variety of creation many job and more income increase freedom. The perfect Developer is perfect creator. In this paper will talk about the Project Management the role of project management is becoming more and more important and valuable in order to make the project a success. Consequently, it has now become even more significant to avoid the reasons for a failure of a project beforehand. There are an ample amount of reasons for which a software project might result in a failure. Some are high in likelihood and effect while others are less likely and risky. Project Manager revolves around the primary functions for effective results and consists of: planning, organizing, staffing, guidance, and control. There are 14 principles revolve under those functions. Software managers must develop the skills, knowledge and abilities in each of these functions to provide an acceptable product successfully on schedule and within budget. [1]


Creative with Responsive Design and Project Successions.


Every comunication based on the language . It in the computer human and also.

26 NOV
27 Nov
28 Nov


Implemented Succesful Projects.

Tasty Foods

Responsive website

Bharat Benz

Responsive website


Static website

Amazon Prime

Static website


work experience and the implementational confidence.

Python Django


  • Web DevelopmentDevelopment
  • Bootstrap Javascrpit
Mobile App


  • Android apps
  • cross Apps
Project Leading


  • Mobile Apps
  • Business Management


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